Sunday, 17 March 2013

you have to start somewhere

I’ve been in France for close to 2 months now, and to be honest, I’m not entirely sure why I’ve taken this long to write on here. 

Before I left, I loved the idea of keeping a travel blog, because I’ve seen so many others succeed brilliantly at it, and all in all it truly is a really great idea, but believe me, it takes a lot of commitment and motivation - both of which I’m lacking at the moment.

Of course, I’ve been incredibly exhausted every evening after thinking in French all day which, even though I knew it would hard, I’ll admit I didn’t fully anticipate exactly how draining it truly is! When I get home after a long and slow day at school, it seems all I have time for is making and drinking a cup of coffee (most commonly taken black here) replying to messages from my friends and family, eating dinner, having a shower and then by this point, I should really be heading to bed to prepare for a 6:30am wake up the next day. 

It’s not fair to blame lack of time for all my problems though, because to be honest, whenever I do have a spare moment, I always give up on my blog after a pitiful 5 minutes of staring at the blank screen and scrolling through iTunes for a song with the perfect mixture of both enthusiasm and calm, abandoning any attempts of writing for something that requires less thought, like Pinterest or a BBC documentary. 

However, in this moment I’m being strict on myself. I’ve got the album ‘I’m With You’ by the Red Hot Chili Peppers playing, I’ve put pages on fullscreen to limit distractions and I am not, no matter what, going to stop writing until I’ve produced something for all you lovely people to read. 

Since I’ve left my first post for so long, I guess it’s a little bit hard to fill you in on everything, and I’m actually a little bit lost as to where to start. What I've decided to do, is write a blog each and every day, and within each one I'll cover a different aspect of my exchange so far. Sound good?

It's going to be hard, since I'm the biggest procrastinator/have the most minute amount of motivation a person could ever have right now, but I'm going to have to be persistent, because I know it will all be worth it in the end. I want to remember this whole experience down to the smallest details for a long time, after all, and it's my greatest pleasure to be able to share it with all of you as well.

For now, I'm going to have to leave it at this. I'm not entirely satisfied with this post, it's the most boring thing I've probably ever written, but you have to start somewhere. Plus, I've spent way more time than necessary working on the layout for you to feast your eyes on... aren't I generous? 

So I guess that's it, more from me tomorrow! (I seriously mean it.)

Yours truly, 
me, Eloise x

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